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Dear Dad

I hope you had a good day at work today, I appreciate the step you took yesterday to come to my room at midnight to convince me to grow into the man you want me to be.

I understand you because you used to be religious. Even the Vatican knew you! Then you became a strong and respected politician, You want me to follow in your footsteps. I was angry but not able to slap you when you told me to join your political party at 18 so that I will be a leader in my 40s, You told me I will be ruling as a strong politician in our country, You advised me to make elder politicians, soldiers and priests my closest friends so that I will learn from them because they know so much and you think they are so clever.

Do you think I want to stop playing basketball and join your fucking politics? No! You made a mistake to tell me that you and your elder friends know everything because you are politicians. You know things before they happen. You are geniuses and you rule the world!

You know so much, hmm??

  • Do you know why 80,000,00 people lost their lives in World War II between 1939-1945? Who decided on such loss?

  • Do you know why the Russian Civil War took the lives of over 6,000,000 people in 1917 because of party political systems?

  • Do you know why 2,000,000 young and old Nigerians died in the Nigerian Biafran war between 1967-1970?

  • Do you know why over 500,000 civilians, Chinese and Russians died because of biological warfare by the Japanese in 1931?

  • Do you know why 1,074,016 innocent Rwandans were slaughtered by other Rwandans in the genocide against Tutsi in 1994?

  • Do you know why 1,500,000 Cambodians lost their lives in the Cambodian genocide between 1975-1979? They were massacred because of Anti-Buddhism, Anti Christianity and Anti-Intellectualism.

Genius father, do you know why innocent people die?

  • Do you know the cause of 6,000,000 deaths across Europe during the Holocaust by the Nazis in 1941-1945?

  • Do you know why so many people have lost their lives because of the stupidity of Jihad and Crusades?

Dad, you probably don't know why, but it is because of what you have chosen to follow since your youth, To get deeper and deeper into the religious and political systems which show no mercy to humanity.

I would rather go to hell alive rather than join your systems that penetrate people's souls and hearts so that they hate and kill each other. That is why from today I am no longer a member of your family and I am leaving home. I have to continue to play my basketball which gives me freedom and peace of mind.

Please check the ticket on table, My next match is on Saturday at 6pm, Don't miss it! I know you don't like our games but come to the stadium and see what we have that politics does not have.

Sincerely yours

PS: I see you there clapping after my slam dunk!



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