The last candlewick burned
Now it’s dark
Closing my eyes
My heart cries
Weakness in my arms
Holding my head
That’s wrath
No, that’s sad
See no beauty here
I’m a caged bird
Used to fly over rice leaves
Out of nest in the morning
Made handsome melodies
Songs for children
Songs for elders
Now, feathers falling
After years a slave
I’ve been their dog
I’ve been their horse
Weak legs
Weak eyes
Can’t even see the blue ocean
Can’t feel the little wind
Can’t sing anymore
What here is there left?
Do nothing but wait and wait
Till I’m to shoveled in a ditch
And forgotten
No, I’m already forgotten
I’m to die and never
Live anymore
They caged me
They weakened me
They’re killing me.
Juvens Nsabimana